The online training course offered through David’s Training teaches effective conflict-resolution skills and relationship-building strategies. Topics include conflict dynamics, communication skills, negotiation, and mediation, managing emotions, building trust, ethics, and cultural sensitivity, organizational conflict resolution, mediating difficult conversations, conflict resolution in specific contexts, and developing sustainable conflict resolution strategies. Participants gain practical knowledge for resolving conflicts and fostering positive relationships.


  1. Introduction to conflict resolution
  2. Communication skills for conflict resolution
  3. Negotiation and mediation
  4. Understanding conflict dynamics
  5. Managing emotions in conflict resolution
  6. Relationship building and trust development
  7. Ethics and cultural sensitivity in conflict resolution
  8. Organizational conflict resolution 
  9. Mediating difficult conversations
  10. Conflict resolution in specific contexts 
  11. Building sustainable conflict resolution strategies


Use the inquiry button to book your team in the fall or winter schedule!

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